Sam Tho Duong

50 Rings

September 17 – October 10, 2005

Sam Tho Duong, avocado ring

Avocado Ring, 200518k gold, diamonds

Sam Tho Duong, 50 Rings, exhibition

50 Rings, exhibition view with artist, 2005

Sam Tho Duong, avocado ring

Avocado Ring, 2005silver, elastic

Sam Tho Duong, avocado ring

Avocado Ring, 2005, silver, elastic

Sam Tho Duong, avocado ring

Avocado Ring, 2005silver, elastic

Sam Tho Duong, avocado ring

Avocado Ring, 2005silver, onyx, elastic

Sam Tho Duong, avocado ring

Avocado Ring, 2005silver, enamel, elastic

Sam Tho Duong, avocado ring

Avocado Ring, 2005, 18k gold, diamonds

Sam Tho Duong, avocado ring

Avocado Ring, 2005silver, enamel, elastic

50 Rings

Often working with natural materials, Sam Tho Duong experimented with the pit of an avocado.  He sliced the seed and noticed that when they dried, the slices cracked into 4 quarters, which lay the groundwork for Duong's rings.  Laying flat, the rings make a curiously beautiful object, in the hand they move with a sensuous liquidity, and when the finger is inserted, they open up, transforming into a wearable ring.