Eighteen Yuan: The Past - Perfect

I have an inexplicable obsession with rust...


The Past-Perfect


I have an inexplicable obsession with rust.


Rust, as a witness to time, quietly spreads across metal surfaces, creating unique textures. Each crack, flake and rough texture prompts me to reflect on time, existence, and transience. 


Rusted metal embodies a tense: the past perfect. It embodies an acceptance of fragility and destruction while cherishing memories and the past. Every layer of rust serves as a trace of memory, marking the passage of time and the changes of life. It signifies not just the decay of matter, but a philosophy of existence.


Rust encases the past of the present continuous.

and the present of the past continuous. 


The strength of rust found within its vulnerability, echoing the dialogue between the fleeting and the eternal in our lives. 


Memories as rust becoming hazy in the flow of time, I learn from rust.

I learn to keep it, and let it be.