Hanna Hedman : What you tell is not always what you experienced.

The series of necklaces by artist Hanna Hedman explores the borders between lie, escapism, reality and fantasy. 

Hanna Hedman’s new series of work has been inspired by an interest in storytelling and how stories change depending on the narrator, whether information is left out and dependent on to whom the story is told. What is really changing each time you tell a story and why is the truth so hard to tell? Is the truth even interesting? Maybe fantasy is as relevant as reality. 

Existence is frightening and we all have our own strategies of handling and processing the cruelties of the world around us. Our fantasy worlds can function as outlets or survival strategies and a person’s personality can consist of as much fantasy as realism. 



 Surprising things happen along Hanna Hedman’s time consuming and intense creative process. Development of each piece progress organically with limited predefined planning. Fragments are created individually and then combined in a similar fashion as stories develop over time. 

Reality and dreams of past centuries meet in an ornamental story that is neither black nor white; instead it exists in a grey area, undefined and strange. Hanna Hedman wants to entice you into her suggestive world full of detail; sometimes beautiful but also melancholic and malevolent. 


 Materials: Silver, oxidized silver, powder coated copper, synteticfibers and paint. 

Photographs: Sanna Lindberg