Ground: An Retrospective Exhibition of Ruudt Peters : MassArt Boston


Opening Reception May 23rd from 3:00-6:00PM

President's Gallery, 11th Floor Tower Building

Massachusetts College of Art and Design

621 Huntington Avenue, Boston MA 02115

Exhibition open Saturday, May 20-July 31, 2015

Gallery Hours: M-F 9AM-5PM 



Ruudt Peters uses the Alchemical concepts of Micro/Macro and Above/Below in his jewelry.  Grounding is an important factor in how Peters approaches his work.  Blind drawing and working from the subconscious allow him to access images other than those generated by the conscious brain.  Peters’ work has evolved from his sleek cool designs in the 70’s to a more visceral approach. These works are autobiographical and render the various stages of his life.  The exhibition GROUND will feature work from over 4 decades of the Ruudt Peters' career.