Ute Eitzenhöfer: Subtext

Talk, Discourse, Circle. 


Ute Eitzenhöfer's exhibition Subtext is comprised of three distinct groups of work;  


Talk deals with the power of words.  For better or worse, the modern world gives us so many easy ways to put our thoughts and opinions out there for public reaction.  With a rashly composed post or tweet, we are given a platform regardless of our credentials or knowledge, a virtual soap box to stand on, or a microphone- the form of which may be recognized within the materials of darkened silver and onyx in this series of brooches.


Discourse, comprised of both brooches and necklaces, features gemstones, recognizable as the natural materials they are, yet obscured by a forceful dark form of oxidized silver.  Perhaps the truth is being purposefully hidden, or the subject is hiding from the reality in front of them.


Circle finds the subject retreating inward... escaping into the self through meditation or seeking a minimalist life as a response to the events of the world.  The round walled forms allow a direct view within a lonely yet peaceful inner space.  Looking further inward demands concentration to notice the gemstones set below the floor of the brooch, the piercings in the outer walls, or the plastic base, all of which may go unnoticed until external light shines into the void and awakens the details. Born in Germany (1969), Ute Eitzenhöfer received her education at the prestigious University of Design of Pforzheim, Germany following a traditional apprenticeship in goldsmithing.


Since 2005, Eitzenhöfer has been working as Professor for Gemstone Design at the University of Applied Sciences - Trier, in Idar-Oberstein, the historical center of German stone-cutting.

Over the past 22+ years, the work of Ute Eitzenhöfer has been exhibited internationally in museums and galleries, including a 2013 dual exhibition with Iris Bodemer, at the Jewelry Museum of Pforzheim, Germany.


Subtext is Ute Eitzenhöfer's second exhibition with Ornamentum